Publication details

Datasets of traits of zodariid spiders (Araneae: Zodariidae)

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PEKÁR Stanislav

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Scientific Data
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Animals; Australia; Databases; Factual; Ecosystem; Spiders
Description Species traits are essential for inferences on ecology and the evolution of organisms. Spiders are the most abundant and diversified terrestrial predators, playing an important role in a range of ecosystem services. Here, I present datasetse on all traits of zodariid spiders, which are known to be free-living ground-dwellers occurring on all continents (except Antarctica) with the highest species diversity in Australia. I collated the data from published resources. The datasets includes nearly 100 000 trait records on all (90) genera and almost all species (1249) of the family. The majority of the 88 traits collected are morphometric, followed by those relating to ecology, reproduction, and physiology. Morphometric traits were available for the majority of species. Other trait classes were only available for some species. I provide a standardized classification of selected categorical traits (habitat, microhabitat, retreat type, circadian activity, prey, primary defensive, and predators). This is the first complete database of traits of a whole spider family, which is available through the World Spider Trait database.
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