Publication details

Mineralogicko-petrografická charakteristika chondritu H5 S4 W2

Title in English Mineralogical-petrographic characteristics of chondrite H5 S4 W2


Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description In 2019, a meteorite specimen weighing 431 g was purchased in Morocco by the Polish collector T. Jakubowski. The aim of the work was to mineralogically and petrographically classify the meteorite into the correct group and subsequently determine the degree of shock metamorphism and weathering. Several types of chondrules were present in the meteorite, for example “barred olivine”, “radial pyroxene”, “cryptocrystalline”, “granular olivine”, with a size of about 300 µm. The average chemical composition of minerals in the meteorite was: olivine Fo82,3Fa17,2Te0,5; pyroxene En82,1Fs16,5Wo1,4; plagioclase Ab81,7An13,0Or5,3; kamacite 92,7 hm. % Fe, 6,9 hm. % Ni a 0,5 hm. % Co a taenite 73,0 hm. % Fe, 26,6 hm. % Ni a 0,3 hm. % Co; troilite Fe1,01S1; chromite, magnetite, merrillite and hydroxylapatite were also present. The presence of chondrules with sharp boundaries and the presence of plagioclase crystals not exceeding 50 µm embedded in a recrystallized fine-grained matrix formed by olivine and orthopyroxene with a size of up to 300 µm places the studied meteorite in petrological type 5. The shock metamorphism was determined as S4 based on the presence of planar fractures and mosaicism in olivine, undulating quenching of plagioclase and the absence of maskelynite. The weathering grade W2 was determined based on the relatively extensive limonitization of iron-bearing minerals. The meteorite was classified as H5 ordinary chondrite, S4, W2.

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