Publication details

Performance-based risk-sharing agreements v onkologii v českých podmínkách: Outcomes, výhody, nevýhody a překážky, dostupnost dat v Česku, teoretický model a návrh možného agreement

Title in English Performance-based risk-sharing agreements in oncology in the Czech Republic: Outcomes, advantages, disadvantages and obstacles, data availability in the Czech Republic, theoretical model and proposal of a possible agreement


Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The presentation deals with the advantages, disadvantages, and obstacles to the implementation of risk-sharing agreements based on treatment outcomes (PBRSA) in oncology in the Czech Republic. The author presents a theoretical model of the agreement based on real-world data (RWD) and compares data from clinical practice with randomized controlled trials (RCT). Special attention is paid to the issue of data availability, administrative burden and the need for monitoring mechanisms. The presentation highlights the potential of PBRSA to reduce costs, improve patient access to innovative treatments, and promote sustainable healthcare financing.
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