Publication details

The discursive representation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Austrian news coverage: 2010–2015–2020

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Year of publication 2025
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Language and Politics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords corpus linguistics; critical discourse analysis; refugees; migrants; asylum seekers; representation; media; newspapers; collocates
Description This paper traces the terminological shifts in the media representation of immigrants from 2010 to 2020. Using a corpus-based approach to Critical Discourse Analysis, we examine the terms “migrant(s),” “refugee(s),” and “asylum seeker(s)” in the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard during the refugee crisis (2015) and five years before (2010) and after (2020). Our research, which employs collocation analysis complemented by critical discourse analysis, reveals significant shifts in the connotations of all three terms. The notion of “migrant” evolves from a positive and individualizing portrayal in 2010 to a more negative, stereotypical one by 2020. Conversely, “asylum seekers” shift from being viewed with suspicion in 2010 to being recognized as legitimate beneficiaries of protection in 2020. Only “refugees” remain relatively featureless. We interpret these changes as a reflection of the balancing act between the left-liberal stance of Der Standard and the rising right-wing extremism in society.
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