Publication details

GIS mapping of agricultural plastic waste in southern Europe


HACHEM Ali CONVERTINO Fabiana BATISTA Teresa BAPTISTA Fatima BRIASSOULIS Demetres MARTINEZ Diego Luis Valera TERUEL Maria Angeles Moreno NIZZETTO Luca PAPARDAKI Nikoleta-Georgia RUGGIERO Giuseppe VOX Giuliano SCHETTINI Evelia

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Science of the Total Environment
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Plastic pollution; Estimation of agricultural plastic waste; Geographic information system; National agricultural census; NUTS 2 regional level; Agricultural practices
Description The escalating use of plastics in agriculture, driven by global population growth and increasing food demand, has concurrently led to a rise in Agricultural Plastic Waste (APW) production. Effective waste management is imperative, prompting this study to address the initial step of management, that is the quantification and localization of waste generated from different production systems in diverse regions. Focused on four Southern European countries (Italy, Spain, Greece, and Portugal) at the regional level, the study uses Geographic Information System (GIS), land use maps, indices tailored to each specific agricultural application and each crop type for plastic waste mapping. Furthermore, after the data was employed, it was validated by relevant stakeholders of the mentioned countries. The study revealed Spain, particularly the Andalusia region, as the highest contributor to APW equal to 324,000 tons per year, while Portugal's Azores region had the lowest estimate equal to 428 tons per year. Significantly, this research stands out as one of the first to comprehensively consider various plastic applications and detailed crop cultivations within the production systems, representing a pioneering effort in addressing plastic waste management in Southern Europe. This can lead further on to the management of waste in this area and the transfer of the scientific proposition to other countries.

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