Publication details

Specializovaná veřejná databáze variantních řešení bariérových situací pro osoby se smyslovým znevýhodněním v MHD

Title in English Specialized public database of alternative solutions to barrier situations for people with sensory disabilities in public transport


Year of publication 2025
Type Specialized database
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The database offers solutions for specific barrier situations identified and described in the database of barrier situations for people with sensory disabilities in public transport. It builds on the previous database and extends it by offering ways to address these barrier situations. Developed in collaboration with the Brno Public Transport Company (DPMB), the proposed solutions are primarily designed to align with DPMB’s capabilities. Other transport operators may have different constraints and opportunities, meaning alternative solutions could be considered. The database does not claim to provide an exhaustive list of solutions but serves as a source of inspiration for tackling or at least mitigating these challenges. Instead of focusing on technical specifications, the database provides a broader framework, acknowledging that feasibility may vary between transport providers in the Czech Republic. It addresses all 178 identified barrier situations, categorising them into three groups: resolved, excluded, and those with proposed variants. A total of four barrier situations have been fully resolved, with descriptions of how they were addressed. Another 47 have been classified as excluded, meaning they cannot be feasibly addressed by DPMB, even in the medium term. Each excluded case includes an explanation outlining why it is not currently solvable with DPMB’s available resources. For the remaining 127 barrier situations, 336 potential solutions have been developed— an average of more than 2.5 per barrier situation.
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