Publication details

Multidisciplinary approach to identifying early mediaeval gates: a case study of the Břeclav-Pohansko stronghold

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Year of publication 2025
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archaeological Prospection
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords archaeology; geophisics; magnetometry; ERT; Pohansko; early mediaeval; stronghold; gate; fortification
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Description This study presents a comprehensive approach to verifying a presumed western gate at Pohansko by integrating non-destructive geophysical methods (ERT, magnetometry, and core prospection) with traditional archaeological excavation. The identification and characterization of gates by non-destructive methods within early mediaeval fortified sites have been overlooked in archaeological studies, despite their important role in stronghold defence and settlement layout. Through a convergence of factors including the fortification's construction conducive to ruin preservation, the use of wooden structural elements, and evidence from a significant fire, we successfully pinpointed the gate's location. Traces of gate were present in all chosen methodological approaches. While ERT and magnetometry identified significant anomalies, their standalone findings lacked conclusive evidence of a gate. It was the integration of these methods alongside coring and excavation that provided definitive location and dimension verification. Despite limitations, magnetometry emerged as a valuable tool for gate localization, though unable to discern structural details post-fire. Core sampling clarified the gate's extent and layer composition, albeit hindered by heavily burnt layers. The newfound knowledge of the gate not only advances our understanding of the site's urban layout but also gives information on future research about river sediments, where remnants of bridges connected to gates are anticipated. Comparable in dimensions to gates at similar neighbouring strongholds, the gate's specific construction and function remain topics for further investigation. This study underlines the significance of geophysical methods in archaeology of fortifications, advocating for their integrated use alongside archaeological excavation or core prospection to clarify the interpretation.
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