Publication details

Pozoruhodné nálezy játrovek z Moravy

Title in English Remarkable Finds of Liverworts from Moravia, Czech Republic


Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zprávy Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords bryoflora; bryophytes; Cololejeunea calcarea; Cololejeunea rossettiana; endangered species; Porella arboris-vitae; Scapania lingulata
Description The contribution presents fi nds of interesting liverworts from the territory of Moravia, Czech Republic. Most of them are from the southern part of this region, others from e. g. the Hostýnské vrchy Mts and the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. The article presents fi nds from various habitats. During the survey, attention was in particular paid to species growing at xerothermic sites (e. g. Mannia fragrans and Riccia ciliifera), exposed wetland bottoms (e. g. Riccia cavernosa and Ricciocarpos natans), and limestone rocks (e. g. Cololejeunea calcarea and C. rossettiana).

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