Publication details

The shelf life of cooked sausages with reduced salt content

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Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta veterinaria (Brno)
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Keywords Bologna -type sausage; lactic acid bacteria; total viable count; reformulation
Description The aim of this study was to compare the microbiological quality of cooked sausages produced with a traditional salt content (2.1%) and reformulated batches with a salt content reduced to 1.7%. The reformulation was tested on two types of comminuted meat products - Speka & ccaron;ky sausage with a diameter of up to 46 mm or Bologna-type sausages in diameter of 85 mm (Gothaj sausage) or 75 mm (Junior sausage). The total viable count (TVC) increased only slightly during the four-week storage (4 +/- 1 degrees C) of all batches of Speka & ccaron;ky sausage. Comparing batches 1.7 and 2.1, there is an evident difference in the number of CFU/g, with samples of Speka & ccaron;ky 1.7 showing numbers of bacteria higher by approximately 1 logarithmic order throughout practically the entire storage period (P = 0.001). The population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) remained well beneath a value of 5.0 log CFU/g even at the end of the experiment. For Bologna-type sausages, the TVC was either beneath the limit of detection or at its boundary in all samples. LAB were not detected during storage of Bologna-type sausages. The results confirmed that the proportion of salt in cooked sausages can be reduced to 1.7% without negatively affecting the shelf life or safety of the final products.
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