Publication details

Dactylogyrus spp. (Monogenea: Pthayhelminthes) from Barbonymus schwanenfeldii imported into South Africa



Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description This study documents three species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 (Dactylogyridae) recovered from tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii), which were imported into South Africa as ornamental fish from Sri Lanka and Thailand. Morphometric characterization and molecular data, including partial 18S and 28S rDNA and ITS1 region sequences, are provided for Dactylogyrus lampam (Lim & Furtado, 1986), Dactylogyrus tapienensis Chinabut & Lim, 1993, and Dactylogyrus viticulus Chinabut & Lim, 1993. The prevalence of Dactylogyrus spp. infection was 87% in fish from Sri Lanka and 80% in fish from Thailand. The composition of parasite species varied between fish from different origins; all three species were present on fish from Thailand, whereas only D. lampam was detected on fish from Sri Lanka. Phylogenetic analysis placed the studied species within the broader Dactylogyrus clades. D. lampam clustered within the varicorhini-type lineage, while D. tapienensis and D. viticulus formed a sister lineage to Dactylogyrus spp. associated with Cyprinus carpio L. and Carassius spp., species parasitizing large central African cyprinids (Labeo Cuvier), and species infecting African and Middle Eastern Carasobarbus spp.

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