Publication details

Smyčcové hudební nástroje zámecké provenience ve sbírce Oddělení dějin hudby Moravského zemského muzea

Title in English Stringed Musical Instruments of Castle Provenance in the Collection of the Department of the History of Music of the Moravian Museum


Year of publication 2025
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dokumentace, konzervace a restaurování hudebních nástrojů. Praha, České muzeum hudby, 16. a 17. října 2024
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords conservation; documentation; violin; violoncello; viola; double bass; Czech Museum of Music; MCMI; bowed string musical instruments; Náměšť nad Oslavou; Strážnice; Bruntál; inventář; Amati; Stadlmann; Wutzlhofer; Dalinger; Guarneri; Krautsch; Thir; Steiner, Stoss
Description The Department of the History of Music of the Moravian Museum has so far collected over 80 stringed musical instruments of various ages, types and provenance in its collection of musical instruments. The conference paper will focus on a group of string instruments originating from the castle collections, namely from the castles in Strážnice, Náměšt' nad Oslavou and Bruntál. These include violins, violas, viola d'amour, viola da gamba, cello and double bass by Italian, German, Austrian and anonymous makers. This paper will attempt to include as comprehensive information as possible about the history of the instruments and how they were acquired for the collection, along with a brief description and accompanying photographic documentation.

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