Publication details

Reconstruction of syn- and postsedimentary tectonic events in flysch basin from limestone pebbles variation: Drahany Culm of the Moravian Rhenohercynian Zone



Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologica Carpathica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠPAČEK, Petr and Jiří KALVODA. Reconstruction of syn- and postsedimentary tectonic events in flysch basin from limestone pebbles variation: Drahany Culm of the Moravian Rhenohercynian Zone. Geologica Carpathica. Bratislava: SAV, 2000, vol. 51, No 1, p. 37-47. ISSN 1335-0552.
Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Culm conglomerates; limestone pebbles; microfacies; biostratigraphy; tectonic implications
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