Publication details

Možnosti zkvalitnění výuky mikrobiologie využitím software pro analýzu obrazu

Title in English Possibilities of Innovating of Lessons from Microbiology by Use of Image Analysis Software


Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník přednášek a programů ze 7. ročníku konference Pedagogický software 2000
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KOTOUČKOVÁ, Ludmila, Lucie POKLUDOVÁ and Miroslav NĚMEC. Možnosti zkvalitnění výuky mikrobiologie využitím software pro analýzu obrazu (Possibilities of Innovating of Lessons from Microbiology by Use of Image Analysis Software). In Sborník přednášek a programů ze 7. ročníku konference Pedagogický software 2000. 1st ed. České Budějovice: Scientific Pedagogical Publishing, 2000, p. 47. ISBN 80-85645-40-8.
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords microbiology; image analysis
Description There is it possible to use image analysis and equipment for microscopic and macroscopic image digitalization in courses from microbiology at university level. The inovation of microbiology teaching is connected with theoretical knowledges, their relations and microskopic objects visualisation, and with modern methods of assessment. These methods include the determination of number and size of colonies, microbial cells and their structures.
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