Publication details

Preparation of specific probes detecting prophages of serogroups A, B and F in lysogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus

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Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 9th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Description On the basis of quantitative HindIII-restriction analysis of genomic DNAs, the S. aureus bacteriophages of International Typing Set were divided into five clusters designated as A, F, Ba, Bb and Bc. The clusters A and F include all the phages of serogroups A and F and correspond with the species 3A and 77 proposed by Ackermann and DuBow (1987). On the other hand, the phages of serogroup B were divided into three clusters designated as Ba, Bb and Bc that differ significantly each from the other in their restriction pattern. The clusters Ba and Bb may represent two separate species, while the cluster Bc, formed at a low similarity level, may include more than one phage species. For each of the phage serogroups A, B and F, the common HindIII-restriction fragments were identified of which those of phage 3A (1700 bp), of 53 (4060 bp) and of 77 (8300 bp) were used for the preparation of probes specific to the phages of serogroups A, B and F. These probes have been shown to be very effective, it making possible to determine up to three different prophages in a given lysogenic strain at the same time. Restriction maps of the phages 3A, 53 and 77 representing individual serogroups were constructed. The restriction map of phage 3A and that of phage 77 is linear, whereas that of phage 53 is circular and exhibits a circular permutation. DNAs of the phages of serogroups A and F have cohesive ends. On each restriction map, the sites corresponding to specific probes are indicated. The size of intact genomic DNA of all phages estimated by the PFGE varies within the range 41.5 - 46.2 kb.
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