Publication details

Integrace univerzitních databází a systémů - příklad z Masarykovy univerzity v Brně

Title in English Integration of University Databases and Systems - an Example from Masaryk University in Brno


Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference UNINFOS 2001. Zborník príspevkov
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Computer hardware and software
Keywords Information infrastructure; integration; redistribution
Description Masaryk University in Brno represents a complicatedly structured unit whose successful management cannot be imagined without a well-functioning information infrastructure. During long history of development, subsystems supporting key areas of University life have grown into current structure of three extensive, independently existing university-wide databases and, built on top of them, application systems. The integration of this structure into a cross-linked and consistent whole is the topic of this paper: Current information infrastructure of MU is described in a schematic way, and its so called central data layer overlaying all three university-wide databases specified. Attention is directed to the principles and methods of data integration and redistribution in the central layer, based on the definition of data standards, specification of reference data sources, and definition of access rights for the reference sources.
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