Publication details

Vliv proteinů Fos na růst a diferenciaci monoblastů transformovaných onkogenem v-myb

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Title in English The effects of Fos proteins on growth and differentiation of v-myb-transformed monoblasts


Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XVI. Biologické dny
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords Fos
Description Fos proteins participate in formation of AP-1 transcription factor, that is significantly involved in regulation of proliferation and differentiation of various cell types. The line of v-myb-transformed chicken monoblasts BM2 belongs is potentially sensitive to the level and activity of Fos proteins. To investigate the effects of Fos proteins on growth and differentiation of BM2 cells, we prepared the BM2 cell line variants inducibly expressing c-fos and v-fos genes. We showed that both Fos variants decrease proliferation of BM2 cells. Interestingly, mechanisms of the effects induced by cellular and viral Fos forms seems to be different. While c-Fos increases frequency of cell death by apoptosis, v-Fos protein does not. On the other hand, v-Fos and in less extent also c-Fos induces dedifferentiation of BM2 cells.
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