Publication details

Flóra a vegetace zámeckého parku ve Valticích

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Title in English Flora and vegetation of the chateau park in Valtice (South Moravia)


Year of publication 2001
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation DANIHELKA, Jiří. Flóra a vegetace zámeckého parku ve Valticích (Flora and vegetation of the chateau park in Valtice (South Moravia)). In Město Valtice. 1st ed. [Břeclav]: Pro město Valtice vydalo nakladatelství Moraviapress, 2001, p. 114-126. Knižnice sborníku Jižní Morava, nr. 26. ISBN 80-86181-48-0.
Description The list of vascular plants recorded in the chateau park in Valtice (South Moravia) in 1997 and 1999 contains 328 species. Of this number, 27 species are included in the Red List of vascular plants of the Czech Republic, among them Quercus cerris, Scorzonera cana, Phlomis tuberosa a Polygala major, all classified as strongly endangered. A description of meadows of the ass. Ranunculo bulbosi-Arrhenatheretum and dry grasslands of the alliance Bromion erecti follows, supplemented with management proposals.
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