Publication details

Studium elektrochemické hydrogenace aromatických chlorderivátů pomocí ON-LINE diferenciální elektrochemické hmotnostní spektrometrie

Title in English The study of electrochemical hydrogenation of aromatic chlorohydrocarbons by means of on-line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník abstrakt příspěvků III. pracovního setkání fyzikálních chemiků a elektrochemiků
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation DRBÁLKOVÁ, Eva and Pavel JANDERKA. Studium elektrochemické hydrogenace aromatických chlorderivátů pomocí ON-LINE diferenciální elektrochemické hmotnostní spektrometrie (The study of electrochemical hydrogenation of aromatic chlorohydrocarbons by means of on-line differential electrochemical mass spectrometry). In Sborník abstrakt příspěvků III. pracovního setkání fyzikálních chemiků a elektrochemiků. 1st ed. Brno: MU v Brně, 2002, p. 19. ISBN 80-210-2776-2.
Field Electrochemistry
Keywords electro-hydrogenation electroreduction DEMS mass spectrometry electrochemistry
Description By means of DEMS method has been studied the process of electro-chemical hydroganation of chlorobenzene, 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4-dichlorobenzene and p-chlorotoluene on the polycrystalline Pt electrode in 0.5M sulfuric acid used as supporting electrolyte. It is showen that mentioned species undergo, beside hydrogenation, the splitting of carbon-chlorine bond as well and mother hydrocarbon molecule is created at potential much more positive comparing to that in nonaqueos medium of dimethylformamide. The results are presented as mass ion curent of choosen ions expected products as function of potential of working electrode together with faradaic curent-potential curves (MSCV and CV curves).
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