Publication details

Diagnostics and Application of High Frequency Plasma Pencil

Title in English Diagnostics and Applications of High Frequency Plasma Pencil


Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation JANČA, Jan, Lenka ZAJÍČKOVÁ, Miloš KLÍMA and Pavel SLAVÍČEK. Diagnostics and Application of High Frequency Plasma Pencil (Diagnostics and Applications of High Frequency Plasma Pencil). Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. Bristol, England: KLUWER ACADEMIC/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 2001, 21 (2001), No 4, p. 565-580. ISSN 0272-4324.
Field Plasma physics
Keywords High frequency discharge; plasma sources; plasma teratment; plasma-liquid technologies
Description High frequency plasma pencil is a source of highly active environment which can be generated at atmospheric, reduced or increased perssure. The discharge can be unipolar or bipolar.The plasma pensil discharge is studied by optical emission spectroscopy. Several technological aapplications like restation of archeological glass and metal artifacts, fragmentation of molecules for microelectrophoresis and plasma polymerization are summarized.
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