Publication details

Ikonografie kalicha, symbolu husitství

Title in English Iconography of tha Chalice as the Hussite Symbol


Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jan Hus na přelomu tisíciletí.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation BARTLOVÁ, Milena. Ikonografie kalicha, symbolu husitství (Iconography of tha Chalice as the Hussite Symbol). In Jan Hus na přelomu tisíciletí. Tábor: Husitské muzeum Tábor, 2001, p. 453-487. Husitský Tábor Supplementa 1. ISBN 80-86067-60-2.
Keywords art history - symbols - Hussites - Late Medieval culture
Description Study of the development of the iconographic symbol of the chalice as the sign of the Bohemian Hussites (15 - 20 centuries).

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