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Predikce fázového složení zárupevných ocelí a jejich svárů

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Title in English Phase Composition prediction of the Heat Resistance Steels and their Weldments


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Metal 2002, 11.mezinarodni konference metalurgie a materialu.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords weldment;phase;DICTRA;CALPHAD
Description Phase diagram calculations of the P91 steel and some experimental Fe-based alloys were performed using ThermoCalc software. The DICTRA software is used for simulating diffusion in multiphase diffusion couple P91/laboratory alloys or steels at temperatures ranging 575-700 degree Celsius. Diffusion simulations, made at present study, are based on an assumption that the alpha-phase is continuous throughout the whole diffusion couple with carbide phases as secondary spherical particles. The simulations are carried out using critically assessed thermodynamic and kinetic data taken from literature. They respect thermodynamic stabilities of all present phases. The phase profiles, activity and concentration profiles of all species at selected conditions were calculated. The obtained activity profiles imply a possibility of up-hill carbon diffusion.
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