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Železité pískovce v neogenních sedimentech širšího okolí Moravských Budějovic na jihozápadní Moravě

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Title in English Ferruginous sandstones within the Neogene deposits in the broader surroundings of Moravské Budějovice (SW Moravia)

NEHYBA Slavomír FOJT Bohuslav

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku v roce 2001
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Neogene; ferruginous sandstones; depositional peocesses and environments
Description Ferruginous sandstones were studied on two loclaities (Nové Syrovice, Hříběcí rybník). Ferruginization processes are connected with oxidic reactions during paleoweathering (tropic and subtropic climate) close to the depositional surface. Important role of organic matter during Fe precipitation is supposed. High content of plant remnants were recognized within the studied Fe sandstones in locality Hříběcí rybník. Studied rocks were deposited in various depositional environments during different depositional processes.
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