Publication details

Vliv ligandů serotoninových receptorů na metabolickou aktivitu v izolovaných perfundovaných játrech potkana

Title in English Influence of ligands of serotonin receptors on the drug-metabolizing processes in the isolated perfused rat liver


Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 46. Studentská vědecká konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry
Keywords izolated perfused liver; CYP2D1
Description The effects of selective ligands of 5-HT3 and 5-HT1A/1B receptors, tropisetrone and RU 249, on N-acetylation and cytochrome P460-mediated metabolism in the isolated perfused rat liver were followed. The study has shown significant inhibition of acetylation, but a marked stimulation of CYP 2D1 activity after administration of both substances, with higher significance in RU 24969.
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