Publication details

Hodonínsko: border region of intensive relationships with Slovakia

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Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference State border reflection by border region population of V4 states. Proceedings of the international colloquy.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Moravian-Slovak border line; Hodonínsko microregion; cross-border contacts; commuting
Description Analyses of Department of Geography PrFMU confirmed that in period after dividing of CSFR is Hodonínsko still the territory of relatively intensive contact of local population and population of Slovakia. On the other hand, commuting of population to work, to shopping and to schools from microregion Hodonín to Slovak cross-border territory rapidly decreased. Another realised researches concerning other cross-border contacts (moving of the population, movement for recreation, visiting of relatives, mixed marriages) do not show strong decrease of their intensity.
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