Publication details

Informační systém o českém průmyslu: jeho využití v regionálně geografickém výzkumu

Title in English Information system about Czech industry: its use in regional-geographic research


Year of publication 2001
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Česká geografie v období rozvoje informačních technologií. Sborník příspěvků výroční konference ČGS
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords industry; information; Czech republic districts
Description This article deals with the creation of the information system about the Czech industry in the Regional Development Research Centre at Masaryk university in Brno. The authors evaluate possible uses of data in regional-geographic works before 1989 and today. They reveal the insufficiency of objective information concerning both regional and industrial structure of employment. The Centres work on the creation of the information system can contribute to the correct analyses of the economy in various regions of the Czech Republic.

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