Publication details

Pojistný trh České republiky a jeho zapojení do evropských struktur

Title in English Czech Insurance market and its involvement to European structures

ČEJKOVÁ Viktória NEČAS Svatopluk

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Soubor příspěvků a výsledků vědeckovýzkumné činnosti učitelů Katedry financí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Integrated Insurance Market of EU; The European Federation of National Insurance Associations; insurance market; life assurance; non-life insurance; written premium; European Insurance directives
Description In the paper, there is introduced a characterization of the insurance market in Europe. The principles of the integrated insurance market are also introduced. A part of the paper is a comparison of the Czech insurance market and insurance market in the European Union. In European context, there has got a big importance The European Federation of National Insurance Associations (CEA), which represents and supports activities of European insurance companies. This Federation executes its activity by the medium of special committees and operating commissions.

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