Publication details

Rozvoj školství v obci a kraji

Title in English Development of Education in Municipality and Region

MALACH Antonín

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vzdělávání v podmínkách územního řízení
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Education; public administration; reform
Description With the beginning of Public administration reform in 2000, there arose some significant changes in education system. These changes can sweep a lot of people, aside from students and their parents. New in their functions are employers of municipal authorities, labour offices and other organizations, that praticipate on education of our children. The contribution involves the school policy in Czech Republic, the main problems, and basic competencies of school management in different levels of public administration. Our objestives are to make these changes meaningful and remarkable in the higher quality of education.
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