Publication details

The experience using bumblebees as pollinators in regeneration of some forage legumes genetic resources.


DROBNÁ Jarmila PTÁČEK Vladimír

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sallus Apis mellifera - 2nd Europ. Scient. Apicult. Confer.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation DROBNÁ, Jarmila and Vladimír PTÁČEK. The experience using bumblebees as pollinators in regeneration of some forage legumes genetic resources. In Sallus Apis mellifera - 2nd Europ. Scient. Apicult. Confer. Godollo,: KÁTKI,, 2002, p. 52-53.
Field Zoology
Keywords Bumble bees; pollination; genetic resources; forrage crops
Description A certain species of bumble bees can pollinate the given crop in enclosure with the exclusion of Medicago falcata, which did not give seeds at all. Bombus pascuorum is the sufficient pollinator for Trifolium medium.
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