Publication details

Současné paleopatologické výzkumy středo- a novověkých populací Moravy.

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Title in English Recent paleopathological research of the medieval and modern populations of Moravia.


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Evoluce člověka a antropologie recentních populací. Sborník příspěvků 21. světového kongresu SVU
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords paleopathology; Moravian populations; lepra; tuberculousis; tumours; amputations
Description An extensive comprehensive research into historical Moravian populations passes at the Department of Medical Anthropology of the Anatomical Institute of the Medical Faculty. This project involves a standart anthropological study of medieval and modern Moravian populations. An important part of the study is a paleopathological research that should give us a better understanding of the state of health of the populations investigated and their living conditions. The application of modern methods (e.g. CT or DNA analysis of certain pathogenic microorganisms) will contribute to the accuracy of paleopathological diagnosis. The data collected are used in historical sciences and some disciplines of clinical medicine.
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