Publication details

Study of vein carbonates and notes to the genesis of the hydrothermal mineralization in the Moravo-Silesian Culm



Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of the Czech Geol. Soc.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ZIMÁK, Jiří, Zdeněk LOSOS, Pavel NOVOTNÝ, Petr DOBEŠ and Jana HLADÍKOVÁ. Study of vein carbonates and notes to the genesis of the hydrothermal mineralization in the Moravo-Silesian Culm. Journal of the Czech Geol. Soc. Praha: Czech Geol. Soc., 2003, vol. 47, 3-4, p. 111-122. ISSN 1210-8197.
Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Moravo-Silesian Culm; hydrothermal mineralization; carbonates; chemistry; carbon isotopes; oxygen isotopes; fluid inclusions
Description Hydrothermal mineralizations of Variscan and Post-Variscan ages with high proportion of carbonates (calcite, dolomite-ankerite, siderite) are widespread in the Moravo-Silesian Culm formations at the north-eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. Results of a detailed study (chemistry, isotopic composition, fluid inclusions) of vein carbonates are presented in this work. Older Variscan epithermal (to mesothermal ?)syntectonic mineralization is represented by quartz-calcite veins with clinochlore-chamosite chlorite, rare pyrite. Younger hydrothermal mineralization is formed mainly by carbonates and quartz. Sulphides are represented by galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and locally marcasite. Boht types of mineralization often occur in one vein.
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