Publication details

Srovnání acido-bazického a OWRK modelu pro stanovení volné povrchové energie

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Title in English Comparison of the acid-base and OWRK theory for surface free energy evaluation


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference JUNIORMAT'03 4th International Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation ZVĚŘINA, Pavel, Vilma BURŠÍKOVÁ and Pavel SŤAHEL. Srovnání acido-bazického a OWRK modelu pro stanovení volné povrchové energie (Comparison of the acid-base and OWRK theory for surface free energy evaluation). In JUNIORMAT'03 4th International Conference. Brno: Brno University of technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2003, p. 284-285. ISBN 80-214-2462-1.
Field Plasma physics
Keywords surface energy; contact angle; OWRK model; acid-base model
Description The contact angles of thin film were measured by means of sessile drop technique and the values of surface energy were determined by acid-base and OWRK theory. Several testing liquids were used. In conclusion the values of surface energy obtained by both method were compared.
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