Publication details

Adaptační strategie (Romů)

Title in English Adaptation strategy of Romany


Year of publication 2003
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation NAVRÁTIL, Pavel. Adaptační strategie (Romů) (Adaptation strategy of Romany). In NAVRÁTIL, Pavel. Romové v české společnosti: jak se nám spolu žije a jaké má naše soužití vyhlídky. 1st ed. Praha: Portál, 2003, p. 165-174, 11 pp. Výzkumné zprávy. ISBN 80-7178-741-8.
Description The author in the text provides the analysis of adaptation strategy of Romany population in the Czech republic. The Author suggests that the adaptation strategy should be understood as an startpoint in formulation of adequate social policy strategy.
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