Publication details

Konsolidace demokracie a hybridní režimy - slovenský a chorvatský případ

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Title in English Consolidation of democracy and hybrid regimes - case of Slovakia and Croatia


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Slovakia; Croatia; delegative democracy; illiberal democracy; Fareed Zakaria; Vladimír Mečiar; Franjo Tudjman
Description This article deals with the main features of hybrid regimes which established in Slovakia and Croatia in 1990s. The features of Mečiar's regime in Slovakia and Tudjman's regime in Croatia are analysed from the point of view of theoretical concepts Fareed Zakaria's illiberal democracy and Guillermo O'Donnell's delegative democracy. The confrontation of both regimes has interesting denotations for discussion about advantages and disadvantages of parliamentary and presidential democracy and generally for democratic consolidation.
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