Publication details

DP lower bounds for equivalence-checking and model-checking of one-counter automata

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Information and Computation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Citation JANČAR, Petr, Antonín KUČERA, Faron MOLLER and Zdeněk SAWA. DP lower bounds for equivalence-checking and model-checking of one-counter automata. Information and Computation. Academic Press, 2004, vol. 188, No 1, p. 1-19. ISSN 0890-5401.
Field Informatics
Keywords one-counter automata; equivalence-checking; bisimilarity
Description We present a general method for proving DP-hardness of problems related to formal verification of one-counter automata. For this we show a reduction of the SAT-UNSAT problem to the truth problem for a fragment of (Presburger) arithmetic. The fragment contains only special formulas with one free variable, and is particularly apt for transforming to simulation-like equivalences on one-counter automata. In this way we show that the membership problem for any relation subsuming bisimilarity and subsumed by simulation preorder is DP-hard (even) for one-counter nets (where the counter cannot be tested for zero). We also show DP-hardness for deciding simulation between one-counter automata and finite-state systems (in both directions), and for the model-checking problem with one-counter nets and the branching-time temporal logic EF.
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