Publication details

Účinnost nestandardních postupů léčby u dětí s ADHD

Title in English Effect of Alternative Therapeutic Procedures in Children with ADHD


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a Slovenská Psychiatrie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation DRTÍLKOVÁ, Ivana. Účinnost nestandardních postupů léčby u dětí s ADHD (Effect of Alternative Therapeutic Procedures in Children with ADHD). Česká a Slovenská Psychiatrie. Praha ČS JEP: ČS JEP, 2003, vol. 99, No 6, p. 317-323, 6 pp. ISSN 1212-0383.
Field Psychiatry, sexuology
Keywords ADHD; hyperkinetic disorder; alternative treatment; scientific value; children
Description Some alternative treatments proved to be effective or possibly effective in ADHD, but mostly in certain subgroups of restricted etiology( oligoantigenic diet, gluconutritional supplements,megavitamin diet, EEG-biofeedback..).Although most alternative treatments may not necessarily be more dangerous than the standard treatment,the main risk lays in the delay of efficient therapy.
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