Publication details

Wandernde Handwerksgesellen als privilegierte Gruppe. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Handwerks in den böhmischen Ländern

Title in English Wandering journeymen as a privileged group. A report to the history of crafts in the Czech lands.


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Klaus Roth (ed.), Vom Handwerksgesellen zum "Green-Card"-Spezialisten. Interkulturelle Aspekte der Arbeitsmigration im östlichen Mitteleuropa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Czech lands; social history; economic history; history of travelling
Description For the wandering journeymen for whom their wandering was an essential part of their professional career the land or state border had only a symbolic meaning. The nationally boosted principle of supporting useful travels and averting of journeys unuseful for the state resulted in the paradoxical situation where a wandering journeyman obtained a permission to travel abroad more simply than a young nobleman. This fact hardly corresponds to the deep-rooted image of a privileged top society. After the so-called wander book had been introduced as a travel document for the journeymen in 1827, which integrated the functions of a passport and of a working certificate, the wondering journeymen became one of the most free group of inhabitants in respect of migration.

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