Publication details

Kamenná industrie z gravettské lokality Pavlov I (okr. Břeclav) - jihovýchodní okraj zkoumané plochy

Title in English The stone industry of the Gravettian site of Pavlov I (Břeclav district, Moravia) - the south eastern part of the excavation area


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Archeologické rozhledy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation BARTOŠÍKOVÁ, Zita and Antonín PŘICHYSTAL. Kamenná industrie z gravettské lokality Pavlov I (okr. Břeclav) - jihovýchodní okraj zkoumané plochy (The stone industry of the Gravettian site of Pavlov I (Břeclav district, Moravia) - the south eastern part of the excavation area). Archeologické rozhledy. Praha: AÚ AV ČR, 2003, LV, No 1, p. 59-67, 8 pp. ISSN 0323-1267.
Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Gravettian; lithic chipped industry; raw materials
Description The paper evaluates lithic raw materials at the SE margin of the Gravettian site of Pavlov I and raw material relationship between the centre and SE periphery. Erratic siliceous rocks prevail (50-70 %)but coarse industry made of local marlstone is present substantially also. Using of radiolarite was low (2-5 %), comparing the centre some raw materials are missing (chert of the Krumlovský les type, obsidian).
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