Publication details

Haematophagous biting midges (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) collected by means of non-light traps in South Moravia.



Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dipteron
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Ceratopogonidae; haematophagous; non-light traps; South Moravia
Description Haematophagous dipterans have medical and veterinary importance and findig new ways to capture them is important for better knowledge of their bionomy and more efficient control. The whole examined material have been collected using non-light traps, Malaise, emergence, pan traps and car-net. There are 17 species of the genus Culicoides and 2 species of the genus Forcipomyia subgenus Lasiohelea recorded from South Moravia. Two of the genus Culicoides - Culicoides pseudoheliophilus and C. furcillatus are recorded on the territory of the Czech Republic for the first time. The use of non-light traps may be highly efficient in monitoring of local populations of haematophagous biting midges. In combination with traditional collecting methods, the whole spectrum of the studied group can be captured. These methods may be usefullfor other haemtophagous dipterans as well.
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