Publication details

Příprava zavádění satelitního účtu neziskových organizací v ČR

Title in English Preparation for Implementation a Satellite Sccount of Nonprofit Institutions in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Príležitosti, šance a výzvy pre viaczdrojové financovanie neziskových organizácií
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords Non-Profti Organization; Satellite Sccount of Nonprofit Institutions
Description This article deals with the description of preparation for implementation a Satellite Sccount of Nonprofit Institutions in the Czech Republic, with the hepl of a special Handbook. The Handbook on Nonprofit Institutions in the System of National Accounts was prepared by The Johns Hopkins University in cooperation with the United Nations Statistics Division and was published by the United Nations in 2003.The new Handbook calls for national statistical agencies to bring together data on nonprofit institutions in a satellite account and to put a value on the volunteer effort that these organizations often generate. Using the new reporting tools outlined, countries can better define the size, scope and activities of their nonprofit sector.
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