Publication details

Model Checking Probabilistic Pushdown Automata

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ESPARZA Javier KUČERA Antonín MAYR Richard

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2004)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Probabilistic Pushdown Automata; Model Checking
Description We consider the model checking problem for probabilistic pushdown automata (pPDA) and properties expressible in various probabilistic logics. We start with properties that can be formulated as instances of a generalized random walk problem. We prove that both qualitative and quantitative model checking for this class of properties and pPDA is decidable. Then we show that model checking for the qualitative fragment of the logic PCTL and pPDA is also decidable. Moreover, we develop an error-tolerant model checking algorithm for general PCTL and the subclass of stateless pPDA. Finally, we consider the class of properties definable by deterministic Buchi automata, and show that both qualitative and quantitative model checking for pPDA is decidable.
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