Publication details

LA-ICP-AES and LIBS Analysis of solids

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 11th Solid Sampling Colloquium with Atomic Spectrometry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Analytic chemistry
Keywords analysis of solids; LA-ICP-OES; LIBS
Description In this work, the development of fast LA ICP AES and LIBS analysis is presented. The research involve various types of solid samples such as metals, glass and soil pellets. For this purpose, an arrangement allowing simultaneously measuring LIB emission and LA ICP AES signals was used. The system consisted of the Nd:YAG laser Quantel Brilliant operated at its fundamental wavelength 1064 nm and 4-th harmonic wavelength 266 nm with a repetition rate 10 Hz. Emission of breakdown plasma from ablation chamber was collected by a fiber optic system and delivered onto an entrance slit of the Jobin Yvon TRIAX 320 monochromator. Sample aerosol from the ablation chamber was transported by carrier gas directly into the plasma torch of ICP spectrometer Jobin Yvon 170 Ultrace. Experimental parameters, e.g. laser energy, focalization, emission lines and time profile of the plasma spectrum were characterized to obtain optimum experimental conditions for estimation of the element composition of the different samples.
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