Publication details

Combination morphological and molecular methods for identification of Gyrodactylus species parasitising Barbatula barbatula



Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference BSP Spring meeting and malaria meeting
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Monogenea; Gyrodactylus; systematic
Description During 2001, Gyrodactylus specimens were monthly collected from Barbatula barbatula originated in the Haná River and two sampling sites on the Vlára River, Czech Republic. Thirty-one specimens of Gyrodactylus from different seasons were stored for molecular analysis. Sequencing of the complete internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rRNA genes of Gyrodactylus specimens from Haná River revealed sequence differences on the species level. According to the sequence comparison, the presence of at least three Gyrodactylus jiroveci-like species was predicted. By the shape of marginal hook sickle, the specimens were divided into 3 groups. Measurements of the hard parts of haptor from two species-groups were analysed. Using K mean cluster test and PCA plot, two species-groups were discriminated into two isolated group. Results of this preliminary analysis suggest presence of G. jiroveci and Gyrodactylus papernai (recently used as synonymum for G. jiroveci) in central europeans rivers. The third species-group was determined as Gyrodactylus pseudonemachili, originally described from Asia.
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