Publication details

Modely integrace imigrantů a jejich projevy v české politice

Title in English Integration of immigrants and its application in the Czech republic


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Stredoevropske politicke studie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords multiculturalism; assimilation; incorporation; immigration; refugees; Czech; immigration and integration policy
Description Models of immigrants integration and their statements in Czech policy The article deals with the phenomenon of state approaches towards the immigration and integration issue. The first part gives us a brief overview about the different policies towards new-comers applied in different countries in the world. The assimilation approach, the contemporary differentiated incorporation as well as the model of assimilation is discussed. The second chapter is dedicated to the immigration policy of the Czech state. The last part tries to apply the theoretical models discussed in the first chapter on the case of the Czech republic. The author concludes that there has been a slight move from the assimilationist model towards the multicultural one. However, for the Czech republic to reach the multiculturalism model the stronger effort is still needed
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