Publication details

Přirozená radioaktivita horninového prostředí v jeskyních Slovenské republiky

Title in English Natural Radioactivity of the Rock Environment in the Caves in Slovak Republic


Year of publication 2003
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Concentrations of natural radioactive elements were measured in karst rocks (limestones, dolostones, marbles, ankerites), sinters, cave soils and fluvial cave sediments in caves in Slovak Republic opened to public. Gamma-spectrometrical measurements carried out in the karst areas in Slovakia have shown, that K and Th contents in carbonate rocks of the cave system and in outcrops above it are in general very similar. In case of U, the situation is different. Its contents measured by gamma-spectrometry are in general markedly higher in carbonate rocks of the endokarst than in carbonate rocks in outcrops above the cave system. Positive uranium anomalies in carbonate rocks of the endokarst probably represent one of the consequences of the karstification proceses. Along with the gamma-spectrometrical measurements, basic petrographic research has been carried out.

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