Publication details

Radioactivity of Devonian limestones of the Moravian Karst (eastern part of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)


ŠTELCL Jindřich ZIMÁK Jiří

Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Krystalinikum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation ŠTELCL, Jindřich and Jiří ZIMÁK. Radioactivity of Devonian limestones of the Moravian Karst (eastern part of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic). Krystalinikum. Brno-Stuttgart: Moravské zemské muzeum, 2003, vol. 29, p. 147-154. ISSN 0454-5524.
Keywords Moravian Karst; Devonian limestones; gamma-ray spectrometry; natural radioactive elements
Description Gamma-ray spectrometry data on the potassium, uranium and thorium contents in the Devonian limestones of the Moravian Karst are summarized in this paper. The limestones of the Macocha Fmt. (Vavřinec Lmst., Josefov Lmst., Lažánky Lmst. and Vilémovice Lmst.) show on average lower contents of K and Th compared to the Líšeň Fmt. ones (Křtiny Lmst., Hády-Říčka Lmst.). This feature is related to a high proportion of the non-carbonate component in the Líšeň Fmt. limestones. Gamma-ray spectrometry measurements on the outcrops (including quarries) have shown, that the U contents in the limestones of both formations are relatively low. However, limestones of the endokarst commonly feature considerably higher U contents compared to those cropping out above the caves. The authors suggest that these positive uranium anomalies in the endokarst limestones result from karst formation processes.
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