Publication details

Investigations on garvel bars and hyporheic zone in an Alpine nad two Hercynian streams in Central Europe

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference SIL XXIX Congress Lahti Finland
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Hydrology and limnology
Keywords limnology; hydrobiology
Description Investigations on garvel bars and hyporheic zone in an Alpine nad two Hercynian streams in Central Europe.In Austrian Alps, the 2nd order stream Oberer Seebach was studied in Ritrodat-Lunz study area. For comparison, two streams in Hercynian part of Czech-Moravian highlands, the Loučka and the Rokytná Rivers were investigated. The sampling method was freeze coring. The vertical granulomertric composition, nutrient amount and permeability of bed sediments (60 cm sed. depth) were basis for comparison in different geological regions and hydrological situations. The importance of gravel bars for ecological functioning of rivers was illuminated.
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