Publication details

Vymístění uvnitř životního světa: kulturní vymístění jako přepis významů a identit

Title in English Displacements within the lifeworld: cultural displacement as re-inscription of meanings and identities


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords lifeworld; existential spatiality; identity; displacement; textual displacements
Description The following text concentrates on cultural displacements to investigate how the displacement of people is always interrelated with displacements within their lifeworld. It claims that in case of a local cultural communitys expulsion from or displacement within its place of dwelling we can observe also a re-inscription of its established meanings. The first part introduces the concept of textual displacements as it is articulated by psychoanalysis and deconstruction. The next part focuses on cultural displacements of symbolic objects, and outlines how their intersubjective meaning is always interrelated with particular constellation of power relationships. The last part working with Heideggers concept of spatiality as a function of existential concern describes how the experience of displacement is conditioned by an existentially meaningful and intersubjectively constituted relationship to ones place of dwelling.
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