Publication details

Vymístění jako nástroj národní "očisty"

Title in English Displacement as means of national "purification"


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords displacement - physical; symbolic; nation state; discursive representation; czechoslovak Hungarians; Czechoslovakia
Description This case study analyses the official approach to Hungarians living in Czechoslovakia after WWII. The author works with the concept of displacement through a variety of both physical and symbolic practices introduced by Czechoslovak government officials. She describes period discursive representation of Hungarians, which depicted them as traitors to the nation and as such not wanted in anew nation state. Furthermore, she describes the particular processes implemented to displace Hungarians both from and within the state. In the conclusion she stresses out that symbolic practices cannot be separated from the physical practices of displacement, and that the importance of symbolic practices should not be neglected within the concept of displacement.
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