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Biologická aktivita kvarterních benzo(c)phenanthridinových alkaloidů

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Title in English Biological activities of quaternary benzo(c)phenanthridine alkaloids


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Chemické listy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation SLANINOVÁ, Iva, Jiří ŠINKORA and Eva TÁBORSKÁ. Biologická aktivita kvarterních benzo(c)phenanthridinových alkaloidů (Biological activities of quaternary benzo(c)phenanthridine alkaloids). Chemické listy. Praha: Česká společnost chemická, 2004, vol. 98, No 11, p. 1031-1031. ISSN 0009-2770.
Field Morphological specializations and cytology
Keywords benzo(c)phenanthridine alkaloid; cytotoxicity; apoptosis; MTT assay
Description Quaternary benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids (QBA) belong to isoqiunoline alkaloid group and are distributed in a number of plant species of Papaveraceae, Fumariaceae and Rutaceae families. Sanguinarine and chelerythrine are the two best known QBA1. Sanguinarine (SA), chelerythrine (CHE), sangulutine (SL) chelilutine (CHL), sanguirubine (SR), chelirubine (CHR) a macarpine (MA) were tested in our laboratory 2. The alkaloids were isolated from the species Macleaya microcarpa 3. MTT assay and NR assay were performed to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity (IC50) on cell lines of various histogenetic origin: skin fibroblasts; HeLa; A431; HL-60.The mechanism of the cell death was studied using flow cytometric method Anexin V-FITC and PI staining of HL-60 cells (APOTESTTM-FITC, DAKO Cytomation). The effect on cytoskeleton was also studied; microtubules were detected by indirect immunofluorescence, actin was detected by Rh-phalloidin staining. The ability of primary fluorescence of tested alkaloids anable us to study intracellular localisation of alkaloids. .Cytotoxicity (IC50; mg/ml) of individual alkaloids descended in this order MA >CHE > SA > SR> CHR>CHL>SL. SR, SA, MA and CHE appeared to be inductors of apoptosis. This work was supported by the grant 525/040017 from the Grant agency of Czech republic LITERATURA 1. Walterová, D., Ulrychová, J., Válka, I., et al., Acta Univ. Palacki Olomouc Fac. Med.; 139:7-14. (1995). 2. Slaninová, I., Táborská, E., Bochořáková, H., Slanina, J. Cell Biology and Toxicology: 17: 51-63. (2001). 3. J.Dostál, E.Táborská, J.Slavík, M.Potáček, E.deHoffmann, J.Nat.Prod. 58726. (1995)
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