Publication details

Factors afecting formation on ettringite, thaumasite and gypsum in concrete

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Year of publication 2005
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Sulphate attack is one of several mechanisms of concrete deterioration. Laboratory imbibition experiments with sodium sulphate solution using samples of concrete from bridge constructions were done. Results of these experiments were obtained using chemical analysis of binder and theoretical calculation of concentrations of sodium and sulphate ions in the porous system. Further, electron microscopy and microanalysis was used to identify sulphates. The construction of theoretical curves of the chemical balance of ettringite and gypsum was done for reasons of modeling of partial conditions of crystallization of these minerals. The curves were constructed using a geochemical software PHREEQC for Windows. The experimental curves were compared to the real conditions of simultaneous crystallization of ettringite and gypsum.
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